If you'd really like to do something different, try a Breakout! Breakout EDU games are the educational equivalent of "Escape Rooms", and involve teamwork, problem solving and perseverance to unlock a number of locks to "Escape". There are 2 formats of Breakouts, those that involve actual locks and Digital Breakouts, which are done exclusively using Chromebooks (or other devices).
Digital Breakouts do not have solution keys. Sometimes teachers just try it with their students, while others do it ahead of time. With younger students, doing it ahead of time, gives you the opportunity to give some clues when they try and can really help them maintain stick-to-itiveness when it's challenging. Digital Breakouts are perfect for pairs or groups of 3. 1 Chromebook per pair/group.
You can find HPE Breakouts on the "Breakout EDU" tab in this website.