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Templates, Printables, Hyperdocs, Lessons and Tutorials
Looking for dice or other rollers for use in Slides?
Check out this page.
Featured Resources
Character Sets for PE
Crowdsourced work by many-list on Slide 1
All characters can be copied/pasted into any other Microsoft or Google file.
Gym/Field Layouts & Equipment
by Becky Foellmer (@foes4sports)/Cliff Roop (@HDPhysEd)
All equipment can be copied/pasted into any other Microsoft or Google file.

All of the resources below are accessible using one of 3 options -
by Search
by Folder
by Thumbnail View (Browse)
1. Editable Files Search Option
The creators of each resource below have been added and are searchable.
Use the options below to search by "Title",
"Level" (aka grade level), "Applicable for" or date the file was last updated.
Apologies for the change to the search engine.
We simply couldn't afford the other one.
Note: It is our hope that the files shared below inspire you to edit and add to them to meet YOUR students' needs. Some options may just be a "jumping off point", with deeper learning to come. Please take the time to analyze and determine how a resource addresses the "why" you are targeting or how it can lead to addressing that "why".
2. Editable Files Organized by Google Drive Folder

Do NOT share these folders with students.
Most will not be able to access.
Click any folder for each set of Drive files.
Just click any thumbnail below to view full file.
Go to "File", "Make a Copy" for your own editable copy.
Note: Be sure to use "Backward Design" when planning lessons. Determine the Standard/GLO that is your target before you determine how you will meet that target! Hopefully, some of the offerings below will benefit your students in reaching their learning goals AND provide a ton of enjoyment, too!
3. Browse Editable Files in Thumbnail View
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for more
Full Year Elementary Lesson Plans by
Julie Hudnall (@JHudnallPE)
Games and Challenges for Students and Families
This website contains a wide variety of options for students and their families.
It can be shared directly with them using this link:
or teachers can use the site to locate YouTube videos to share with students individually.
(Just right click on any video to copy the URL to share.)
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