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Back to School Resources
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Tons of additional resources can be found on the Projector and Templates pages.  There you can search based on your circumstance: Health, Hybrid, Remote, Synchronous, PEinClassroom, SDinPEgym, SDinPEoutside.

Print and Post Bulletin Boards/Problem Solving Corner

Yearly Plan Template (22-23) w/K-5 GLOs

Yearly Plan Template (22-23) w/6-8 GLOs

All things Google. 

Click any topic to see the options available.

Many thanks to Stephanie Klaffke @KlaffkePE for this awesome tool.

Want your own copy?  Click here.

Social Emotional Learning

More SEL: Health.Moves.Minds,

plus a large selection of graphics, picture books, and printables can be found on our cbhpe SEL Page

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Additional EDI resources can be found on our cbhpe EDI Page

#QualityPE/Advocacy Resources

Click and scroll in any section for additional resources. Click any resource to access. 

"File", "Make a copy" for your own editable copy or download if desired.

The titles of each section link directly to the full Drive folder with all available resources.

Interested in learning more about a particular tech topic?  Check out the options below!

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