About Us
We are Mark and Becky Foellmer. It is our hope that we can help facilitate the sharing of ideas for improving student learning in Health and Physical Education classrooms!
It is YOUR willingness to share that makes all the difference.
Thanks for stopping by!

Mark Foellmer
SHAPE Midwest District Director (Current),
2019 IAHPERD President, 2018 IAHPERD NED President
Mark earned his Bachelors in Physical Education from Eastern Illinois University and his Masters Degree in Sport Management from Western Illinois University. During the 1980's he served as the Sports Director for the Prairie State Games - the USOC's grass roots Olympic effort. Most recently, he has been a middle school Physical Education teacher and coach at Wentworth JHS in Calumet City for over 20 years. He is an active member of the Northeastern District of IAHPERD, IAHPERD and SHAPE MW and SHAPEAmerica.

Becky Foellmer
IAHPERD Tech Committee Chair, SHAPE Midwest Leadership Council, 2019 IAHPERD NED President
Becky earned a BA in Mathematics and a BS in Physical Education from Eastern Illinois University and her MS in Physical Education with a coaching specialization from Illinois State University. Becky’s teaching experience includes HS and MS Mathematics, Computer Education, coaching volleyball and track, and most recently K-8 Instructional Coaching. She is a technology integration specialist. Becky has been recognized for outstanding contributions by the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is a GTE GIFT Fellow, and has been an EdTechTeam Guest Blogger.
He has presented at numerous conventions and conferences including many state AHPERD/SHAPE conventions, National PE Instiitute, PhysEdSummit and SHAPEAmerica national conventions. Mark was also a trainer of Physical Education teachers through the Illinois Department of Health Initiative, Pump Up PE. Additionally, he has written a number of articles that have appeared in several Physical Education publications and is a co-author (with Becky) of several Breakout EDU challenges. Mark was the 2018 Illinois and SHAPE Midwest Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year.
Mark is serving & has served in many committee and leadership roles in IAHPERD, SHAPE Midwest and SHAPE America, including as the IAHPERD President and as the current SHAPE America Midwest District Director.
She has authored and presented numerous professional development sessions, workshops and trainings on a wide variety of educational topics, including assessment, pedagogy, curriculum writing and technology integration. Her areas of specialty include practical innovation in the classroom, technology integration (both Chromebooks and iPads) and Google Workspace for Education.
Most recently, she has presented many sessions at various State AHPERD/SHAPE Conventions and SHAPEAmerica national conventions, as well as the National PE Institute & PhysEdSummit.
Becky is the author/co-author (with Mark) of many Breakout EDU challenges (both "box and locks" and digital) for PE and Health and has also authored Hyperdocs for HPE.
Breakout EDU
Global Physed Voxcast
HPE Quick Tips

PhysEdSummit 17
Podcasts and
Recorded Presentations
#SHAPENashville -
SHAPE America
National Convention 2018
Our portion of the podcast starts at 20:20.
Let's Talk Physed
Jason Steele and Tanner Roos
Our portion of the podcast starts at 11:35.
Our portion of the podcast starts at about 12:00.
Let's Talk Physed - Super Bowl Special
w/Justin Schleider, Pete Charrette (Capn Pete), Judy LoBianco (SHAPEAmerica Pres., Kash Aleem, Sarah G-H, and Mike Martinez
Back to School Resource Webinar for Parents
w/Congresswoman Lauren Underwood
Our portion starts at about 27 minutes.
Writing Contributions
How to Be an Outstanding Physical Education Teacher
Artie Kamiya, Editor
Mark Foellmer
Chapter 8 Contribution:
Physical Education for PEACE
Mark Foellmer
An Insight Into SPEAK Out! Day

Mark Foellmer and Becky Foellmer
Section 2 Contribution:
Utilization of Technology to Enhance Learning Outcomes of Physical Education
Technology in Physical Education
Compiled by Dr. Naoki Suzuki, et. al.
SHAPE America Position Statement: Physical Activity Used a Punishment and/or Behavior Management
Mark and Becky Foellmer,

Presentation Topics
A Makerspace for HPE
Tech It Up
Leveraging Technology for Assessment in PhysEd
Got Chromebooks or other devices? Infuse Tech into Your Health and Physical Education Program
Put That Projector to Work!
Brain Boosts for Classrooms & Instant Activities in Physical Education
Paddle Zlam - Active and Fun for All!
Breakout Edu - both Box and Locks and Digital
Hyperdocs in Health and Physical Education
Leveraging Social Media - Developing a PLN
Organizing a Family Wellness Night
DIYPE - PE on a Small (or Non-existent) Budget
Advocacy - The Expected and Unexpected Benefits
Demo Slam - This is an interactive way for all to share great ideas!
Leadership - Keys to Becoming a Leader in HPE
GIFs That Keep on Giving - Workshop format
Making Lemonade from Lemons
Edpuzzle in HPE
Flippity in HPE
Opportunity Knocks
Let's Dive In To Lesson Study!
Contact Us:
Mark Foellmer: mfoellmer2@gmail.com
Becky Foellmer: bfoellmer@gmail.com

Please contact us with any questions, ideas for the site, etc. We love to hear from you!