In the spring of 2017, I introduced my students to a Soccer Unit using a flipped classroom concept. I used some material from Matt Pomeroy and concept and design help and direction from Becky Foellmer and Chad Killian to design the lessons and unit. Chad Killian, a University of Illinois Doctoral candidate, was and is doing research on the flipped classroom concept. 1 group of students utilized time during another period to learn prior to class. (Alternatively, if your students take their Chromebooks home, the lesson can be assigned as homework.) In my other classes the lessons were presented in the typical fashion where I explained the activities for the day prior to the activity. With the "Flipped" group, we were able to, almost immediately go into the activity. Rather than listen to me explain and demonstrate, students did this learning on their own, or in this case while eating breakfast at school. Students watched video demonstrations of drills, read directions and looked at diagrams of the day's lesson. Students answered entry slip questions, reviewed day before lessons and answered exit slip questions and even answered end of the unit questions.
I shared this presentation through Google Classroom as "make a copy for each student". and this was utilized each day of the unit by the students. The result of this technique was that students gained the equivalent of an extra day worth of activity compared to the group handled the traditional way. going from five days per week to the equivalent of an additional class due to the learning process taking place outside of the Physical Education classroom.