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Collaboration Builds Health & Physical Education

With the tremendous influx of Chromebooks in schools we noticed that, while there were a ton of resources and professional development for those with iPads, resources seemed to be a bit limited when it came to Chromebooks and other devices.  We knew there were lots of people doing great things out there to improve student learning  using  all forms of technology in the Health and Physical Education classroom!  While this website began with Chromebook use in mind, it is now focused on all resources that can benefit Health and Physical Educators, including resources that can be utilized on ANY device, including iPads, Macs, tablets, Windows laptops and desktops.

Our goal is to share ideas, resources, and ready-to-use activities that can help teachers provide Quality PE Programs and Skills-based Health Education, as well as empower teachers to create their own resources to best meet the needs of their students. 

In fact, CBHPE has really developed into a Makerspace for Health and Physical Education professionals. You will find Templates, Printables, Hyperdocs, Lessons and Tutorials to help you create your own resources, here, and Projector, Stations Using Devices & Synchronous/Asynchronous Activities here.  You will, also, find access to over 2500 GIFs and tons of Slides resources from timers, to dice and coin flips, to spinners and other "choosers" here.

Also, please visit the "IDEA TANK", which contains a multitude of ideas for leveraging technology in the HPE classroom from amazing  professionals worldwide, with more extensive explanations and information for utilizing resources. 

To those of you who have generously shared your incredible work: we cannot thank you enough. 

The #PhysEd/#HealthEd community is second to NONE!!

Check out the latest X posts under these hashtags!
Some great jumping off points for getting the creative juices flowing!!
   #PhysEd        #IAHPERDchat        #secphysed       #HealthEd 

If you are new to X chats, here's more info. about participating:
#IAHPERDchat Schedule

Once you have an X account, to quickly follow a bunch of great physed pros: 

Interactive HPE Hashtags:
Just click on the hashtag you'd like to see.
Click the back button to return to this page.
by Kevin Shephard (@supportREALtchr)

HPE Hashtags.png

#IAHPERDchat is linked above this graphic.

Here's an awesome resource created by Spencer Barfuss (@physed) that links you to Tweets on the various topics. 
Our #TechTip posts
The below links contain tons of tips for EVERY #PhysEd Teacher,
curated by Kevin Shephard (@supportREALtchr):

Locations of Our Last 100 Visitors

Below is a Padlet created by Jake Bersin from Massachusetts
to share ideas around the topic of Advocacy.  Please add your thoughts!

NOTE: Scroll right to view additional questions.  Click the + sign under a question to post a response, or choose "add comment" beneath an already posted response.

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