Recently Megan Lessert (@LessertMegan) shared how she is counting laps in her classroom using a spreadsheet with a time stamp to help with the problem of scanning twice. I had previously offered an option for doing this, but it didn't include the timestamp. It did include a quick way to create the barcodes for the students, however.
So, I thought that combining the two would result in the most efficient option for teachers.
Part 1: Creating the student bar codes
Get your own copy of this file: (This is an updated version of the one in my earlier post).
Enter a roster of your students on the "Roster Entry" spreadsheet. As soon as they are entered the nametags are automatically generated.
Access the nametags by clicking the tab at the bottom labeled "Bar Code Name Tags".
Follow the print directions on the spreadsheet where you entered your roster.
Laminate or put in name badge holders for student use.
Part 2: Setting up the timestamp spreadsheet from Megan Lessert (@LessertMegan) and Chris Findell (@MVHSPE).
Get your own copy of this file: [original file from from Megan Lessert (@LessertMegan) and Chris Findell (@MVHSPE)] This version has the directions contained right on the spreadsheet.
Follow the steps on the right side of the spreadsheet.
Part 3: Implement with your students:

Note on scanner from Chris: Plug and Play Scanner
If you go to the school library, they probably have an old one lying around, otherwise you can purchase on amazon.
You have to have the sheet up on the computer that the scanner is connected to. Because the sheet is active, the data, automatically, goes into that sheet as each student's code is scanned. Pretty cool, right?
Once the sheet is set up, how do you scan the bar codes to go directly to the sheet? Thanks