I was so excited to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Melanie Levenberg (@MelanieG_pl3y) on creating some new options for leveraging tech. to teach Dance.What follows are 3 great ways to infuse dance into your classroom.
1) Use this Google Slides file, Dance Moves Challenge, that allows students to learn a variety of dance moves. You can use this whole class by using the dice roll to choose the activity.
2) Use this Google Slide presentation to easily teach your students a variety of dance moves: goo.gl/734dKN. Use this in stations, with one slide showing at each stations as students move from station to station to learn the moves. Or, in a 1:1 environment, you can share the presentation with all of your students from Google Classroom and they can each (or perhaps in partners or groups of 3) work on whichever moves they would like.note: you can move from slide to slide in the preview window by simply clicking on the slide and, if you'd like to use it, you can click "Use Template" in the upper right to make your own copy. From there, if you wish to delete any of the moves or add your own, you can!!
3) Dance Designer: https://sites.google.com/view/dance-designerUse this Dance Designer to get students creating!! Pair it with this Google Doc: goo.gl/67ypfL, by putting the doc in Google Classroom and having one group member open and turn in. If music is desired students can choose from the instrumental music included on the site.