Having students explore their personal values is always a worthwhile activity. This spreadsheet (bit.ly/39FYAUV - go to ”file”, then ”make a copy” for your own editable copy) can be used with students at 3 different points in a semester or year (or only twice if you so choose) and will afford them the opportunity to really consider their value system.
There are 4 sheets included in the workbook. One for each time that they assess their personal values and the "Combined" sheet which automatically pulls their choices into that sheet. This allows them to visually see how their values have changed over time.
Any number of follow-ups could be done including using this student reflections form: goo.gl/gzU7Jk
Can be used to address or begin to address all of the performance indicators of
National Health Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
Developed by Ron Mandel - Attract Wonder

Love it, thanks for sharing.