Here's another great warm-up activity from Ross Chakrian (@Mr_C_PE). Ross created this in Powerpoint and I have converted it to video format to make it playable on any device. I just LOVE the student choice aspect of this warmup.
Version 1 (30 seconds locomotor, 10 seconds dice roll, 25 seconds choice activity).
Version 2 (30 seconds locomotor (JOG instead of WALK), 10 seconds dice roll, 40 seconds choice activity).
Younger student versions
Version 3 - Created from Slides from Matthew Holben using Ross's original presentation) (only one choice for each odd and even).
Version 4 (no dice rolling) - "5 Minute Warmup" (30 seconds locomotor, 30 seconds choice activity (2 choices)
Many thanks to Ross, KylePE (@ElemPE1), Matthew Holben (@holben_pe) and Alex Adams (@coachadamspe) for collaborating on and testing the various versions.
In case you don't have enough dice for the number of groups you want to have: If you have devices, you can have students have their devices around the edges of the gym and they can use this online virtual dice roller:
SHAPE National Standards/GLOs addressed:
Performs locomotor skills (hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping) while maintaining balance. (S1.E1.K)
Hops, gallops, jogs, and slides using a mature pattern. (S1.E1.1)
Skips using a mature pattern (S1.E1.2)
Runs with a mature pattern. (S1.E2.2a)
Performs a teacher and/or student-designed rhythmic activity with correct response to simple rhythms. (S1.E5.2)
Moves in self-space and general space in response to designated beats/rhythms. (S2.E1.1)
Accepts responsibility for class protocols with behaviour and performance actions. (S4.E2.2)
Engages in the activities of physical education class without teacher prompting. (S3.E2.3)
Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed activities. (S4.E1.3)
Exhibits responsible behavior in independent group situations. (S4.E1.4)